Take my hand and I will grieve with you. I will listen to all the clues. We are children of the heaven sent. Now it's time for us to know the lent (rising souls as suns, shavah). Tell the world we are coming home, the children lost now on the phone. Speaking prayers for everyone. Let us find the waves of the suns. We are joyful today, because glory paved the waves. We are joyful today, to learn about all the daze. Dreaming come to me. I want to feel the great relief. Hold me close to you, then I will know the dance too. We are dreaming to believe, in all the magic we conceive. We are dreaming for the world. Come now look at what we heard/herd.
Circles everywhere. Time to feel the shared. It's a magical ride we compare. All the lights we dim down there. It's a magical ride, with heaven open oh so very wide. It's a magical ride, to bring hope and dreams alive. Send me home to me and you. Send me home to get the clues. Send me home to live this way, to bring in mercy of the daze. And when we are gone and done, let our ancestors find the sun. We are hoping and dreaming too for the children to have a view.
Hold me close to thine pure heart. I want to know this sacred arc. I can feel the sparks inside, all the colors open wide ............. for me, the great tree ....................... We are learning to overcome, to gather inside all the suns. We are joining the world in dance, to bring in sacred it's a chance. We are doing all we need, to bring in sacred on the tree. Oh my willing hosts conceive. It's a righteous tree.
We are looking at this view, come on sunshine show me your hues. all the colors that run true, the sacred rainbow in me and you .............. (wavey ride). In me and you.
White Buffalo Calf Woman sings and Holiness David Running Eagle Shooting Star drums
from the heart of Cup of God our beautiful Jewish Stein, all glittery and golden hues. House of David relatives!

United Four Directions Dance, Holy Temple Commands. We are Man (kind).
Stars from the Rainbow Clan, Rejoice, I say, Rejoice!
Whitebuffalocalfwoman Twindeermother at facebook circle
Relative Shine Divine Withers Bloom (Cierra Rose),
Holiness David Running Eagle picked up so very happy to hear from you when you called back that night after the third missed call with me. I would have not picked up the phone. And the next appointment, you schedule over our committed time with someone else. You have been very disrespectful to an elders and I have to cancel all telephone appointments with you for now. We can talk on this circle http://www.facebook.com/groups/whitebuffalocalfwoman while you are learning. The reason why we talked you needed someone to hold your hand (a stranger in a foreign land). Now you are involved with your community and the agenda has changed for you. You are in a safe place. Regarding genealogy, you continue to miss the whole point of our discussions, each are a chard of brilliant light. Every single one of us. Learning to receive means understanding your part. To discount your lineage, you invalidate your ancestors. Love is respecting all life. Indigo child, learning to be humble even with a white/star/bear overlay is still such a challenge for you. Relatives, Forgiveness is key to your learning to receive. You have not learned to bow, thus you have not learned to walk the blue road of heavenly virtues. Again, the whole of the world needs forgiving. Get started. Learn manners. do you blessings and cleanse yourself each day (with fire and water say, "I bless the sacred nine streams and four holy directions"). I notice those who cannot write well with words, have it easier if they talk with sounds. It's because sound is the wave that comes from the heart. It's much easier for you with sounds. The 613 laws and commandments (Mitzvot http://www.jewfaq.org/613.htm) passed down by the Jews, which has been written, needed to be passed down in an oral tradition. Learning to move to and fro, from the red (words/intelligence) road to blue (sounds/heart) brings us to our shared dreaming. You can only treat elders with love, when you treat yourself with love, forgiving all that climbs near your shores, because love is an open window (where the winds flow, often referred to as window pane, the view). your devoted servant, White Buffalo Calf Woman your Twin Deer Mother, elder crystal child (buffalo robe: crown crystal, yellow, green, gray), iyeshka or interpreter, Lakota Mother, House of David (beloved) Father with Nakota Mother http://alightfromwithin.org/, Rainbow Warriors of Prophecy "I am for all my relatives, the circle of oneness" Angel Services Around the World
Whitebuffalocalfwoman Twindeermother Relatives of the Rainbow Clan and Shine Divine (house of asher), One starts to take responsibility at 12 and 13 years of age. "Bar Mitzvah" literally means "sun of the commandment". Suns of Jacob, the representation of the Rainbow Clan. Asher shares the Rainbow meaning, but one must understand it's meaning at shards of brilliant light (the separation) which is part of the whole circle (now returning). We repeat, study, review (Oral Torah, guidance of life) six orders or Star of David, these are the crystalline seeds which all of creation is gifted. White Buffalo Calf Woman, elder house of David http://houseofthebeloved.blogspot.com
The Mishnah or Mishna (Hebrew: משנה, "repetition", from the verb shanah שנה, or "to study and review", also "secondary"[1] (derived from the adj. shani שני) is the first major written redaction of the Jewish oral traditions called the "Oral Torah". It is also the first major work of Rabbinic Judaism.[2]
It was redacted 220 CE by Rabbi Yehudah haNasi when, according to the Talmud, the persecution of the Jews and the passage of time raised the possibility that the details of the oral traditions dating from Pharisaic times (536 BCE – 70 CE) would be forgotten. It is thus named for being both the one written authority (codex) secondary (only) to the Tanakh as a basis for the passing of judgment, a source and a tool for creating laws, and the first of many books to complement the Bible in certain aspects. The Mishnah is also called Shas (an acronym for Shisha Sedarim – the "six orders"), in reference to its six main divisions.[3] Rabbinic commentaries on the Mishnah over the next three centuries[4] were redacted as the Gemara, which, coupled with the Mishnah, comprise the Talmud. Unlike the Gemara, which is written primarily in Aramaic, the majority of the Mishnah is written in Hebrew. European scholars over the past 1,000 years have termed this variety of the language "Mishnaic Hebrew". http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mishnah
Bar Mitzvah and Bat Mitzvah
"Bar Mitzvah" literally means "son of the commandment." "Bar" is "son" in Aramaic, which used to be the vernacular of the Jewish people. "Mitzvah" is "commandment" in both Hebrew and Aramaic. "Bat" is daughter in Hebrew and Aramaic. (The Ashkenazic pronunciation is "bas"). Technically, the term refers to the child who is coming of age, and it is strictly correct to refer to someone as "becoming a bar (or bat) mitzvah." However, the term is more commonly used to refer to the coming of age ceremony itself, and you are more likely to hear that someone is "having a bar mitzvah" or "invited to a bar mitzvah."
So what does it mean to become a bar mitzvah? Under Jewish Law, children are not obligated to observe the commandments, although they are encouraged to do so as much as possible to learn the obligations they will have as adults. At the age of 13 (12 for girls), children become obligated to observe the commandments. The bar mitzvah ceremony formally, publicly marks the assumption of that obligation, along with the corresponding right to take part in leading religious services, to count in a minyan (the minimum number of people needed to perform certain parts of religious services), to form binding contracts, to testify before religious courts and to marry.
A Jewish boy automatically becomes a bar mitzvah upon reaching the age of 13 years, and a girl upon reaching the age of 12 years. No ceremony is needed to confer these rights and obligations. The popular bar mitzvah ceremony is not required, and does not fulfill any commandment. It is certainly not, as one episode of the Simpsons would have you believe, necessary to have a bar mitzvah in order to be considered a Jew! The bar or bat mitzvah is a relatively modern innovation, not mentioned in the Talmud, and the elaborate ceremonies and receptions that are commonplace today were unheard of as recently as a century ago.http://www.jewfaq.org/barmitz.htm

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Relatives, Thank you for your heart! Bless you along the path of your journey. May the winds,find you peace. And shall you learn the dance and song fills all wrongs. I pray with you, the sacred nine directions are pure...I light my fire for you today! Blessings upon you, Cup of God, Magenta Person, Halls of Consciousness, Rainbow Warrior of Prophecy