Friday, July 31 Aug 01, Saturday.
Today marks the traditional August Cross-Quarter (the actual zodiacal cross-quarter is August 7) or Lammas, also known as Lughnassadh: (pronounced Loo-nuh-suh) meaning harvest and victory. For the Irish this was the time to celebrate their Sun God, Lugh, and the skills of the warrior and the craftsmen. Lugh replaced the Sun Goddess of the ancient world when the celebrations were about giving thanks for the abundance of ripened grain and the Mother’s bounty. The February cross-quarter celebrates the Mother’s power to give life, the May cross-quarter celebrates her passion and the November cross-quarter celebrates her power to live through death and be born to new life. We no longer remember the ways of the original grain festival so it is up to us to create something new.
Lughnassadh was the first of three harvest festivals celebrating the plentiful ripening grain and the prosperity of the land and people. The Christian religion adopted this celebration and called it 'Lammas', meaning 'loaf-mass', a time when newly baked loaves of bread were placed on the altar. For more information about Lammas go to
The waxing out -of-bounds Moon is passing through the late degrees of Sagittarius and Facing east in early dawn is visible in the constellation of the Scorpion approaching the Galactic Cross near Galactic Center as Venus (1 Cancer) reaches opposition to Pluto (1 Capricorn). Venus entered Cancer yesterday and is still near the Galactic Cross at the Galactic edge. Venus travels through the sign of Cancer domain until August 26. Much of that time Venus will be in the constellation of the Twins, a.k.a Gemini.
The archetypal leading edge of the feminine principle expressing through Cancer is that of the great mother. As Venus travels through Cancer, she is discovering how these energies serve the Aries overtone of the current Venus cycle.
From April 3, 2009 to November 4, 2010 Venus is seeking to answer the question of her Aries incarnation. She is the fiercely wild Amazon warrior now being called to find new ways to defend and protect her family, her tribe, and the Earth. Traveling through the Cancer domain this fierce warrior is encountering the energy of the Great Mother and the reminder that to be an effective defender and protector of the cosmic order she must include healthy forms of self-nurturing and self-care basic to a genuine, authentic self-expression. The opposition to Pluto brings to light any fears or shadow issues that stand in the way so they can be transformed into medicine.
by Cayelin K Castell
Brought to you by Warrior Cup of God. Helping you remember times of Prophecy to come true. Look deep inside of you and all will be true, the darkness of your light, will open up so bright!