-Holiness David Running Eagle Shooting Star
"Elders and Warriors of Prophecy do what they say!" By helping others we serve others, not ourselves. True love receives, not gives. Receiving is much harder to do, than giving. Those who give, want a pat on the back for good works, rather than true compassion, without the need to see further in the return to self. Those who receive use the heart of the soul, and do what they say, and you can count on them when you need them to show up, as they show up and protect with their lives, not just say it, but do it!"
-White Buffalo Calf Woman, your Twin Deer Mother
Reliability means the ability to be relied upon. When we're talking about appliances, that's easy to understand. Flip the switch and if it does what it's supposed to do, it's reliable. With people it's not that different. To be reliable means that we do what we say we're going to do. Our words carry weight because we have proven through our past actions and behaviors that people can count on us.
-Lissa Coffey
We rely on the stars at night to shine and we rely on the days to shine and when all is done and buried we rely that we will return again to shine!
Aho and Aha, Earth and Heaven, the eternal circle of life, we fly free!
And now when we return to be born with wisdom, we fly to the ends of the world to dream that the star rises within and without, we make the world the shadow of forgiveness, where the dawning has begun, as Rainbow Warriors of Prophecy arise to shine!
-White Buffalo Calf Woman, your Twin Deer Mother Sings