On Tue, Oct 18, 2011 at 2:29 AM, Cup of God flips over and pours out
Dear Relatives,
Blessed bee the 9 sacred directions. Are you aware that solar activity is very intense at the moment?
I am kind of "watching" it on a daily basis and the values have never been that high.
I would like to share the following link with you, so that you are not scared if your mood and mental abilities change within seconds...
How Solar Activity Influences Life on Earth
The radiation generated by sunspots and solar flares has a number of effects. The most easily detected is the disruption of radio communications. But some scientists also claim that everything from climatic changes to wars, earthquakes and flu epidemics are associated with increased solar activity.
Other scientists dispute these claims. And sunspots and solar flares are certainly not the only cause of such disturbances. But there is a correlation between solar activity and certain kinds of social, behavioral and geophysical effects.
Let us examine the kinds of events that correlate with sunspots and solar flares, starting with those that occur within days or weeks of intense solar activity. Riots, battles, arson attacks, earthquakes and volcanic eruptions have been charted within days or weeks of intense solar activity.
For example, in 1980, solar flares in May coincided with riots in Miami and South Korea and the eruption of Mount St. Helens in May and June. Solar flares also preceded the April 1982 conflict between Great Britain and Argentina over the Falkland Islands and the U.S. attack on Tripoli, Libya, on April 14, 1986.
By tracking solar flares, biologist Marsha Adams was able to assist the San Francisco fire department by predicting arson attacks 72 hours in advance. She believes that flares affect people within the first few days after they happen. She has also found that earthquakes tend to occur about four days after flares. Adams and other investigators reported a correlation between increased solar activity and freak weather conditions, crime waves and political instability.
Mental instability appears to be connected with solar activity as well. Psychiatrists have noticed that voluntary admissions to mental hospitals increase for two to three days after a solar-induced magnetic disturbance. Joe H. Allen, Chief of the Solar-Terrestrial Physics Division of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, said scientists at the Kettering Magnetic Laboratory have found that geomagnetic disturbances may produce a temporary deficiency of calcium or lithium ions inside brain cells, which is a characteristic of progressed manic-depressives.
Adams found that wars tend to break out two to three years after the sunspot maximum—although they occasionally break out before it. She believes that large earthquakes, around 7.0 on the Richter scale, tend to occur near the peak of the sunspot cycle. Very large earthquakes, however-8 and above-tend to occur two to three years after the sunspot peak.
Peaks in the sunspot-cycle have coincided with major flu epidemics going all the way back to 1761. The sunspot cycle is peaking right now, and once again there is a flu epidemic in the United States, Britain, Europe and the Soviet Union.
Economists have even found links between solar activity and the economy. For example, in "Solar and Economic Relationships," which appeared in the Quarterly Journal of Economics in 1934, Carlos Garcia-Mata argued that there is a correlation between the appearance of sunspots near the solar equator (which happens just after the sunspot peak) and times of economic depression.
The last sunspot cycle was at its maximum between 1979 and 1981. The following events occurred: The Soviet Union invaded Afghanistan. Nicaraguan president Anastasio Somoza was forced out of power and the Sandinistas took over. The Shah was forced out of Iran and Ayatollah Khomeini came to power. Iran took 53 Americans hostage. Iraq invaded Iran, beginning an eight-year war. Israel bombed Iraq's nuclear reactor. China invaded Vietnam. ...
I guess our beloved Twin Deer Mother (White Buffalo Calf Woman) agrees if I say that blessing makes the difference.
My love to you ~ Aho
Cup of GOD
Magenta Dancer
Rainbow Warrior of Prophecy
Blessed Song I give to you, to know the Sacred Blue. The home that we long to know true, the loving Blue (heart knowing relatives). Where distance is just a call, when you need all that's water fall (tears) and spring will light up inside your heart to find the blue, red illumination's call (finding your spirit)...aho, may your spirit fly!
Rainbow Warriors of Prophecy Pray With Elders around the World
The Ordained Cup of God that Flips Over and Pours Out! She Longs for the Wind, it Blows so High. I Take to the Moon it Glows so Bright. It is the Will of the Many Who Find the Shore. It is the Will of the Many Who Find the Way. So Why don't you take my Hand? Why don't you Sing upon High? The Way Eternal Right in Front of You? "Khesed חסד Loving and Faithful" ♫♪♪♪♫•*¨*•.¸¸♥ OH HAPPY DAY!¸¸.•*¨*•♫♪♪♫•*¨*•.¸¸♥ ¸¸.•*¨*•♫♪ ♪♫•*¨*•.¸¸♥